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About Us

About us

Welcome to Vertex Schools Makurdi

Motto: Knowledge For Wholesome Excellence

According to Ajayi-Dopemu (1994), education is the light of the mind. It is a process through which an individual is admitted into the society by being taught what is worthwhile in order that the individual might play his part well in the society. Social scientists refer to it as socialization or enculturation. Education is also described as the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties trained, and skills developed. The skills equip the child to meet immediate, future and life challenges. When emphasis is placed on socialization as one of the major purposes of education, it shows our concern for using education to produce good citizens. It helps to inculcate the right attitudes, values, norms, abilities, and skills in an individual to equip him/her function well as a member of the society. Education also aims to train the child to fear God, his creator, respects parents, elders, and constituted authority. It is a powerful instrument devised by man for improving his lot.


Board of Directors

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John Doe


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Team Image

Jane Doe


consectetur adipisicing elit, sed

consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Team Image

John Doe

Head Teacher

consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Team Image

Matthias terseer

Asst. Head Teacher

Experienced in organisational safety


Why Choose us

We provide a well-rounded education, with an emphasis on character development and preparing learners for success in life. We have a low leaner-teacher ratio, so every child gets the individualized attention they deserve. These are only but a few of the many reasons!


Our Vision

“To be the Best in Child-Centered, Wholesome Education for Sound, Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Moral, Social Foundation and Development”.


Our Mission

“To create an enabling environment and technology that helps the child to discover, practice and learn through play and motivation under the tender guidance of a skillful teacher and in partnership with caring parents”.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Vertex as a school provides learning environment and experiences that promote wholesome education of the child. This embraces core developmental areas such as physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral, effective communication skills, social interaction, and numeracy development. Developmental and educational psychologists such as Jean Piaget, Fredrick Froebel have clearly stated that pre-schools years are the fundamental or formative period in the life of an individual. As a critical period, most concepts and basic principles of life are engraved in the child during these early years. Therefore, the educational objectives that guide prenursery and nursery education are well planned and developed from the child’s immediate environment. Vertex Nursery and Primary school is tasked with introducing to the child the basic numerical, language, spiritual and social skills, geared towards child’s self-realization, better human relationship, individual and national efficiency, effective citizenship, national consciousness, and unity, as well as promote spiritual, moral, social, cultural, economic, political, scientific, and technological progress of the child.

“To be the Best in Child-Centered, Wholesome Education for Sound, Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Moral, Social Foundation and Development”.

“To create an enabling environment and technology that helps the child to discover, practice and learn through play and motivation under the tender guidance of a skillful teacher and in partnership with caring parents”.

Our core values and practices are guided by the counsel in Proverbs 22:6 that “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. We seek to mould and inculcate in the child the following Christian values:

  1. Integrity, Honesty, Reliability, Dependability, Truthfulness.
  2. Submission to and respect for God, parents, and constituted authority.
  3. Diligence and hard work as key determinants of success.
  4. Love for God, self, and others.

  1. Child-centered approach to teaching that facilitates child’s personal effort in learning.
  2. Emphasis on modern learning, techniques, teaching aids, guided play, the application, and multi-media teaching and learning to build communicative, qualitative and interpersonal skills.
  3. Promotion of active parental partnership in the learning and moulding of the child.
  4. Effective use of Christian principles to inculcate core values of the school in the child.

Vertex Nursery and Primary School Makurdi runs the National Primary school curriculum programmes. The school provides the best of science, Arts, Commercial and ICT Education. Those subjects are offered in line with the state and National Curriculum. We prepare our pupils to compete favourably for internal and external examinations.

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Pimary Section subjects
S/N Subjects Combination
1 Languages (English & Verbal, French & other indigenous languages)
2 Mathematics & Quantitative reasoning
3 Basic Sci & Tech. (Computer studies, Physical and Health Education)
4 Pre-vocational stud (Agricultural sciences & Home Economics)
5 National Values (Social studies & Civic Education)
6 Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
7 History
8 Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) (Fine Art & Handwriting)
9 Vocational
Pre-Primary Section Subjects
Numeracy/Mental work
Letters/Verbal Reasoning
Science & Health Habits
Social & Living Habits
Scribbling & Colouring
Oral Communication
Christian Religious Studies
Nursery Rhymes
Computer Studies
Co-Curricular Activities
I C T (Programming/Coding)
Press Club
Math Genius Club
Goodnews Club
Debate Club
Jet Club
Safety Club
Games (Chess & Scrabble)
Sports (Football, Running, Badminton, Volleyball, Handball, Basketball, Table Tennis & Skipping)
Extracurricular Activities
Programmer Tots
Little Chef
Fashion Kids
Martial Art
Classes and Age Bracket
Class Age Bracket
Creche Below 2 years
Play Group 2 years
Nursery 1 3 years
Nursery 2 4 years
Nursery 3 5 years
Basic 1 6 years
Basic 2 7 years
Basic 3 8 years
Basic 4 9 years
Basic 5 10 years
Basic 6 11 years

Assessments are an important aspect of the teaching and learning at vertex.

  1. We ensure that pupils are continuously assessed, to give ongoing feedback; formative assessment; and to provide score/grade; summative assessment.
  2. Peoples are given homework daily on the topic treated.
  3. Projects are also given that take a week or two where necessary.
There are two schedules of tests and an end-of-term assessment that provides a structure for uninterrupted assessment and allows VERTEX to update parents with a proper evidence of each pupil’s academic advancement. To prepare pupils for external assessment, VERTEX allows the most experienced teachers in the expected fields to coach pupils and assess them.

Total score average Grade Remark
90-100 90.0-100 A EXCELLENT
80-89 80.0-89.0 B VERY GOOD
70-79 70.0-79.0 C GOOD
60-69 60.0-69.0 D PASS
0-59 0-59.0 E FAIL
We encourage parents to consider the average of their children rather than position to determine their academic progress. This is because a child who took first position in class A with an average of 75 is not better than a child who took third position in class B with an average of 80.

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Vertex Nursery and Primary School is a hidden gem in the world of education. The teachers are passionate and knowledgeable, and the facilities are top-notch. The curriculum is well-rounded and tailored to each student's needs, and the staff genuinely care about the success of their leaners. The value for and practice of Biblical principles is commendable.

Ev. Aidefa Agburu
Founder, Across Tribes Missionary Society

I would always recommend Vertex for anyone looking for a nurturing and supportive environment for their child's education. You won't be disappointed!

Jude Isaac